Thursday, June 9, 2016

Assignment Week One

No, Bernie Sanders Shouldn’t Concede. He Can Still Win, Despite What Media Says.

In H.A. Goodman's article, Goodman uses strict contrast to pull out the true hidden qualities of Bernie. Instead of simply stating the reasons for his legitimization, Goodman instead points out a multitude of Clinton, Bernie's rival's, flaws, ranging from her inconsistency in the media regarding key issues, such as gay marriage, to the fact that she can theoretically serve jail time. He mentions that the emails contained top secret info, and was on an incredibly easily hack able server, which could have jeopardized national security. By building a negative image of Hillary, readers are forced into a trap that causes that to see Bernie in a much better light, compared to Hillary. Of course, as expected as a professional writer, Goodman realizes that some readers may not fall bait for this "trap". Thus, he mentions that the FBI may have to give the Democratic Nomination to Bernie, essentially eliminating Hillary, based on the laws that were broken by her. Nevertheless, this contrast strategy magnified Bernie's likability. Similar to the Scales of Justice, by lowering Hillary's image, Bernie's is rocketed upward.


  1. I'd like to see a clearer summary of the article--or at the very least, the author's thesis. So you're saying that Goodman elevates Sen. Sanders by assailing Secretary Clinton's reputation. I like how you say that not all audience members will be persuaded by this. Can you explain why?

  2. I personally liked how you described the trap Goodman's article put out to his readers. It is very well written but the topic that really gets me off hook is why wouldn't the audience fall for his "trap"?
    -Lamisa H
